Experience an Efficient Pain Relief With Our Gentle Tooth Extraction

When a tooth is severely infected, decayed, or has advanced gum disease, it may need to be removed. In most cases, it is best to preserve your permanent tooth, but sometimes the damage is too severe, and other treatments aren’t an option. Sometimes tooth extraction is the only way to restore your oral health back. 

An extraction of a tooth is a procedure that involves removing a tooth from its socket in your jaw bone. This is usually necessary when you have an infected tooth, a decayed tooth that can’t be repaired with a filling, or jaw damage that leaves the tooth vulnerable.

At Joondanna Family Dental, we believe in preserving your natural teeth and will only recommend a tooth extraction if it is absolutely necessary. Our friendly dentists will make sure you are comfortable during the dental procedure. We also provide sedation options to help you feel more at ease. If you have tooth pain, come to Joondanna Family Dental for a checkup and any required tooth extraction.

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Common Reasons Why We Might Need
To Do a Tooth Extraction

Pain Relief: For chronic toothache relief, tooth extractions are a popular and effective option. However, the need for a tooth extraction depends on the reason for your pain. We recommend scheduling an appointment with Joondanna Family Dental so we can assess your tooth.

Whenever possible, we will do everything we can to restore your natural tooth to its full function before recommending an extraction. In some cases, we may be able to save the tooth with an appropriate treatment plan. Ideally, the sooner you attend to your hurting tooth, the less likely we will need to remove it.


Protect Adjacent Teeth: Tooth extractions can protect the adjacent teeth from damage. Untreated dental cavities can extend into the pulp of the tooth. The tooth needs to be pulled if root canal treatment can not stop the infection from spreading and endangering your health.

Your dentist will remove damaged or diseased teeth to prevent infection of adjacent teeth. By removing a compromised tooth, you can prevent the decay and infection from spreading to other teeth, gum tissue, the jawbone, and, ultimately, your blood. Infection or abscess in the teeth or roots, and the spread of infection through the bloodstream, can happen if you don’t remove the teeth right away.


Restore Oral Health: You can have your oral health restored with tooth extraction if you have gum disease. The underlying bone and other tissues surrounding a tooth’s root are likely to be damaged if periodontal disease is not treated promptly. The infection may result in the tooth becoming loose in its socket.

One or more teeth may have become loose if you have gum disease. In many cases, these teeth may have to be extracted. Extraction of the damaged tooth is a suitable method for eliminating bacteria that are a significant cause of periodontal disease.


Provide Spaces for Orthodontic Treatment: Tooth extractions can relieve overcrowding. Your dentist may recommend removing a tooth that interferes with another tooth as part of orthodontic treatment or a treatment plan to improve the appearance of your teeth. There may be times when a small mouth just has too many teeth, and a tooth may have to be extracted.

An orthodontic treatment, such as Invisalign, may necessitate the extraction of one or more teeth. Orthodontic treatments are designed to realign the teeth into the best alignment possible. It may be necessary to remove one or more teeth if there is not enough room for the other teeth to fit.

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Confidence Starts With Good Oral Health, We Are the Dental Team You Can Count On.

Why Choose
Joondanna Family Dental?

At Joondanna Family Dental, we offer a wide range of dental treatments to meet your needs. Whether you require a simple tooth extraction or more complex dental work, we are here to help. We pride ourselves on our professional and friendly approach. We will always go the extra mile to ensure you are happy with the results.
When you visit Joondanna Family Dental for tooth extraction, you can expect to receive personalised treatment from our dental team. Dental extractions can be complex procedures. We take the time to develop a comprehensive treatment plan tailored to your individual needs. We understand that each patient has unique concerns and goals, and we will work closely with you to ensure that you receive the best possible care.
At Joondanna Family Dental, we understand that many people feel anxious or fearful about tooth extractions. Whether you need a tooth removed because of tooth decay, an impacted wisdom tooth, or any other reason, our skilled dentists are here to help. We offer oral sedation, IV sedation, and nitrous oxide in the form of inhalation sedation to keep you relaxed and comfortable throughout the procedure.
At Joondanna Family Dental, we believe that everyone should be able to receive the high-quality dental care they need, regardless of their schedule. That is why we are proud to offer weekend and holiday appointments for all of our services, including tooth extractions. Whether you have a minor cavity that needs filling or an infected tooth that requires extraction, Joondanna Family Dental is here for you.


FAQs About Tooth Extractions

You might need a tooth extraction for a number of reasons, including:

  1. If a tooth is infected or damaged in such a way that root canal treatment would not be effective, an extraction might be necessary.
  2. Overcrowding can sometimes necessitate extractions.
  3. If gum disease progresses to an advanced stage, it may lead to loose teeth. Even with gum disease treatment, it may still be necessary to have the loosened tooth removed.
  4. Getting braces for misaligned teeth may require removing one or more of your teeth.
  5. If your tooth is impacted, your dentist might suggest a surgical extraction to alleviate pain or keep you from getting an infection.
  6. For people getting chemotherapy for cancer or having an organ transplant, it may be necessary to remove damaged teeth.

Depending on the tooth’s condition, extractions can be simple or surgical. The process is as follows:

  1. Simple extraction:
    In the case of visible teeth, the procedure is a simple extraction. Your dentist will administer a local anaesthetic, which will numb the area around your teeth so that you will only feel pressure during the procedure. An elevator is typically used to lift the tooth. Dental forceps are used to expand the tooth socket by rocking the tooth back and forth.
  2. Surgical extraction:
    A surgical extraction will be recommended if the tooth is impacted or below the gum line. This is a common procedure during wisdom tooth extraction. In addition to local anaesthetic, your dentist may also administer an intravenous, or inhalation sedative for your comfort. Depending on your medical and allergy history, you may also be given general anaesthesia. If you are under general anaesthesia during dental surgery, you will be completely unconscious. Your dentist will then make a small incision in your gums. It may be necessary to remove or cut the alveolar bone around your tooth before it can be retrieved.

At Joondanna Family Dental, we offer various sedation options to ensure you feel at ease and make your tooth extraction relatively painless. As your comfort is vital to the procedure’s success, we can choose the level of sedation and the option that works best for you. These options include nitrous oxide (happy gas) in the form of inhalation sedation, oral sedation, and IV sedation (via an external anaesthetist). If you think you may need any of these options, please do not hesitate to let us know at booking. Our friendly team is here to make your experience comfortable.

There are risks associated with tooth extraction, as with any invasive procedure. There are, however, more benefits than risks if your dentist recommends it. Side effects and risks of tooth extraction include:

  • Swelling and redness at the surgical site
  • Bleeding that persists for over 12 hours
  • A “dry socket,” which occurs when the blood clot dislodges or does not form and exposes the bone within.
  • Food particles or bacteria trapped in the socket, causing severe fever and chills
  • Damage to adjacent teeth, nerves, jawbones, and sinuses

It is normal for the extraction site to bleed and then clot shortly after tooth extraction. Bleeding that continues without clot formation or lasts longer than 8 to 12 hours is considered abnormal. Contact us immediately if your tooth extraction doesn’t stop bleeding so we can address the problem. In the meantime, you can try to control the bleeding by placing pressure on your wound using a piece of clean, damp gauze.

In most cases, it takes about seven days for a hole caused by the extraction of a single root from a small tooth to close up. It will usually take about three to four weeks for the soft tissues to heal fully. It will take longer for the extracted tooth to heal if it is large or has multiple roots. It typically takes about three weeks for the wound to close, but complete healing may require a few months. In contrast, the tooth hole will be closed or almost closed six weeks after surgical removal. It usually takes several more months for the indentation to fill in and heal completely.

Multiple factors can affect the healing of an extraction wound:

  1. Wound size:
    The socket will take longer to heal if the wound is larger, deeper, or broader.
  2. Age:
    Wound healing is delayed in older adults due to aging.
  3. Your healing process:
    Each person’s healing process is different. Some people recover faster than others.
  4. Oral health condition:
    If the tooth that was removed is infected, it can delay the healing process.
  5. Medical conditions:
    Some medical conditions, such as diabetes, can delay the healing time.
  6. Lifestyle habits:
    Consumption of alcohol and smoking slow down the healing process and increase the risk of infection.

Generally, the cost of an extraction depends on the complexity and location of the tooth that needs to be removed. A simple extraction starts from $200.

The cost of surgical extractions starts from $400, depending on whether bone removal or tooth division is also required. 

Contact us to schedule a consultation so we can assess your teeth and provide you with an accurate quote.


Confidence Starts With Good Oral Health. We Are the Dental Team You Can Count On.

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